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Pastor Corner April 12th

Grace and peace to you,

At a recent congregation council meeting (the church’s governing board) people shared their response to this question: When did you feel excited, hopeful, and fulfilled as a council member?

The responses were interesting. One member reflected on some strategic planning and visioning exercises. He found it hopeful to think clearly about the future.

Many of the other responses involved hands on serving activities. Framing a house in the parking lot, packing food, working together on a painting project in the community, serving meals at the Micah 6 Church.

So when did you feel excited, hopeful, and fulfilled as a member of Lutheran Church of the Master?

Our regular Sunday worship is our foundation. Grounded in the promises of God revealed through Jesus, we are led out to serve.

LCM is clearly a community energized by serving and making a difference in the lives of others. From huge events like The Mighty Gobbler 5k on Thanksgiving Day with over 1000 runners, to a handful of people providing a meal for the Micah 6 Church’s weekly worship and dinner, LCM is making a difference in the name of Jesus.

We are blessed to be a blessing and living that out is a joy.


Pr. Paul Walters