It is good to take time to ponder important questions.
At a recent congregation council meeting we reflected on this question:
How has your faith been impacted through the ministry of Lutheran Church of the Master?
It is easy to focus on the business of the church at council meetings. It is easy to take things for granted in this life. It was a gift to pause and take time to consider the ways Faith Comes Alive at Lutheran Church of the Master.
This is not just a question for council members to ponder. How about you? Is your relationship with Jesus deepened because of the ministry here? How does the worship life here at LCM speak to you?
It is important to take this pause in all aspects of life. Consider the relationships with the people who mean the most to you. How have they made your life more full?
It is important to slow down, reflect, and cherish the ways faith is sustained and strengthened through our life together.
May you be blessed in your journey through your relationships and through the ministry of the church throughout the world.