All are welcome at Lutheran Church of the Master. We encourage you to join us Sunday for worship and fellowship.
Our congregation is a mix of traditional with non-traditional. Learn what to expect on Sunday by reading about our beliefs and more.
We have ministries for all ages, youth to adult. The choirs at Lutheran Church of the Master are also very active.
Pick up your copy of Wake Up to Wonder by Karen Marsh at LCM
Visit the Invitation to Wonder Website to Plan your engagement.
Saturday March 22 9am to Noon Karen Marsh will be at LCM leading a workshop.
Follow on Facebook for updates, info, and videos.
The bare branches of the trees can appear dead, lifeless. Still, we know those trees are not dead, in reality they are resting, taking a pause between seasons, enduring the cold winds that blow.Maybe there is a lesson for us all in the trees, and their lifeless branches. Maybe we could all do with a pause. A season of rest and renewal. A time... Read More
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